RDC-CYBERATTAQUE : Anonymous s’en prend au site officiel de la CENI


Le site officiel de la Commission Nationale Électorale Indépendante (CENI-RDC) a été à son tour victime d’une cyberattaque des « Anonymous depuis la soirée du jeudi 29 novembre 2018 et demeurait inaccessible avant de redevenir opérationnel après minuit.

Dans leur message de revendication sur le site tps://hastebin.com/utoloverok.rb , les « hackers » expliquent avoir « attaqué le site pour soutenir le peuple de la RDC pour leur lutte pour la liberté. Nous sommes contre la dictature et le régime oppressif » :

Greetings Congo, we are Anonymous.

1) Since our last attack against Congo government, many people were believing our attacks were fake or useless. First, we want to say that no site can stay down forever. At one moment, the issue will be solved and the site will be back online. This is called a DDoS attack. Of course, it’s a challenge to keep down a large amount of websites down for a long time. But we did it.  If you still think that our attacks were fake, send me a private message and I will prove you the opposite.

2) Now you think the attack was useless? No it’s not. This is a form of protest. It’s like being in the streets and protesting.  If you still think it’s useless, you think do nothing is the solution? In the face of oppression and injustice, silence is never a solution.

3) Many people thinks we are criminals. Are we? Well if helping others, fighting corruption, oppresion and fighting terrorists and pedophiles is being a criminal.  Then YES, I am a criminal and I am proud of it!

4) Why do we attacked government websites? We attacked the sites to support the people of RDC for their fight for freedom. We are against dictatorship and the oppressive regime. We are not criminals. We are freedom fighters!

*** Thanks to all those who are supporting us for our fight for freedom. ***

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us!

Lire aussi : RDC : Surprise attaque des Hackers d’Anonymous contre les sites internet du gouvernement https://www.afriwave.com/2018/11/25/rdc-surprise-attaque-des-hackers-danonymous-contre-les-sites-internet-du-gouvernement/

Cette attaque qui n’aura duré que quelques heures est la deuxième du genre après celle contre les sites gouvernementaux dont celui de la présidence le 25 novembre 2018 dans la journée.

Thaddée Luaba Wa Ba Mabungi

